Well, we thought the network gremlins had been chased out, but issues persisted unless I was using wifi in the cabin. If it wasn't the switch, the hub or the cable, then it must be something beyond the end of the ethernet connection...
You may remember that when we ran the external network cable out to the cabin, Dave had a small mishap or two with the stapler. Well, all had been OK for quite a while, then we started noticing some network failures on the hard wired sections of the network.
Can't believe I didn't blog at all in 2022 - must get back in to the habit. I've been in the cabin at least 3 days/week for going on 2 years now, so I thought I'd give an update as to how things are going.
Yep - really. Finished. There are a load of leftover bits, but nonetheless the build is complete.
Time to do all the fiddly stuff around the roof and get rid of the flappy bits. I was primed to assmble the L-shaped sections and Dave was up for glueing the rubber edges around, but in the end, it didn't quite work out that way.
Finally, a warm, dry day at the weekend, time to get the roof membrane up. I went out bright and early to get the membrane to warm up in the sun, to find it wasn't quite that warm yet. Anyway, I unpacked the box, realised it probably wouldn't be a good idea to roll out the membrane on the grass (everything would stick to it) and found it was actually pretty flexible already...
The final part of the home office setup is twofold really - easy access to the garden and a shorter commute for me. We've been waiting to put french doors out into the garden for a few years now, but the room we want to do it from (my ex-office) hasn't really been available. Now we're at the point where the room is "resting" (as out of work actors would say), so we can finally get at the sacrificial wall...
Tomas spent alot of time today sifting stuff in his/Abby's old bedroom to make enough space for me to start dismantling furniture. He needed to get my chair out of the way to make space, so he dismantled it for removal (since building Dave's storage shelves in the "corridor" room it's quite tight for moving large objects in and out) and put it in to the cabin for me, in pieces.
November 2023